1800 87 7061 (Malaysia Toll Free) +603 2780 3880 (KL)
Bulk SMS DLR (Delivery Report)When you send SMS via our online web interface, you are interacting with our server. Our server is responsible to send out the SMS to the recipients. If you are using our standard reliable 2 way SMS, or random number SMS, you will be able to view DLR report (delivery report). Bulk SMS DLR report is very much different from DN (delivery note), DN is the response from Telco (Maxis, Digi, Celcom), normally once we send the SMS to the Telco's server which we call a SMSC, the SMSC will reply with DN success. ![]()
You are able to know whether your recipient received the SMS or not. This is one of our unique and innovative implementation of delivery report on GSM network. There is a DLR report in member page where you can access easily.